Sunday, January 21, 2007

23 hours and going strong

I came to studio yesterday, saturday, at 4 PM to try and get some more work done on my project. I was on such a roll that before i knew it, it was 4 AM and I didn't want to leave. I was watching episodes of Entourage and movies like Borat, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, and lastly John Tucker Must Die while making huge progress on my project. I was just finishing up my last project as John Tucker Must Die was ending and i realized that it was 3 PM on Sunday... I didn't leave studio, or sleep, for over 23 hours and Im still going strong. I cant wait until tomorrow for the crash to hit right about when we're supposed to be presenting our project but hey, thats the life of an architect. Im the only one finished at this point and thats good because the Patriots play the colts tonight and i need not worry about work while i'm watching intently. Alright well thats it for now, i'll let you know how the project goes tomorrow... ciao


Sally said...

Hey Joe:

Maybe your new found appreciation for cappuccino is keeping you awake at night! How did your presentation turn out?

miss you, MOM

Joseph A. Schettino said...

my presentation went really well mom. but we have a project due this thursday which is probably going to be graded harder.